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第5巻 , 第1号 , (pp.15-26)
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吉原 有里1、増田 優2、須藤 繁3
1社会技術革新学会 学生会員 (お茶の水女子大学 学部2年) 2お茶の水女子大学 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター 3帝京平成大学 現代ライフ学部 経営マネージメント学科
Energy is a commodity which supports the base of our lives and energy infrastructure should be public. On March 11th in 2011 the severe earthquake called “the Great East Japan Earthquake” occurred in Eastern Japan which provided us with a chance to consider energy as a critical item for life security. Oil is usually used as fuel mainly for cars and helps people with their movement. However when a disaster occurs because of the flexibility of its supply oil supply line will be quickly recovered and therefore oil can help many people’s lives. On the other hand since 1995 the number of gasoline service stations has been decreasing rapidly for improving its economic efficiency. We need to think of this gasoline service station decrease from the point of view of life security and to recognize the aspect of social infrastructure of oil distribution.
Keywords: 社会インフラ , ガソリン給油所の減少 , 流通の合理化 , セルフ給油所 , 供給ラインの強靭性 ,
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