
著者名:  検索語:

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第6巻 , 第1号 , (pp.30-36)
[PDF (243.2K)]

都甲 由紀子1、久保山 紗貴、墨田 友理、十時 綾華2
1大分大学教育福祉科学部学校教育課程教科教育コース生活・技術教育講座 被服学研究室 講師 2大分大学教育福祉科学部人間福祉科学課程生活環境福祉コース生活分野 学生
Dyeing is not a compulsory content in the current school education curriculum. Educational contents of clothing are changing in home economics. Wearing colorful clothes however is common practice in contemporary life and clothing is one of the most familiar industrial products. Introducing the manufacturing process of clothing will provide an opportunity to know the value of clothing manufacturing technology and realize anew that other industrial commodities used in daily life have been produced by repeated technological innovations. This report deals with dyeing as part of the process of clothing manufacturing and examined the significance of a dyeing workshop conducted in an educational practice. Results suggest that the workshop was highly effective in providing an opportunity to learn about how a technology that is used to produce familiar industrial commodities started out and how it has been since innovated and they suggest that it can be proposed as an educational practice that informs a scientific technology supporting human life.
Keywords: 染色 , 生活を支える技術 , 教育実践 ,
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