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第7巻 , 第1号 , (pp.14-32)
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小売業界におけるコンビニエンスストアの進化  −主要事業者としての課題と責任−
須藤 繁1、増田 優2
1帝京平成大学 経営マネージメント学科 教授 2お茶の水女子大学大学院 教授 ライフワールド・ウオッチセンター長
The retail industry is changing a lot together with the change of Japanese society. While the number of retail stores has been decreasing largely the first convenience store opened in 1974 and its number has been increasing greatly. The success of convenience store business depends on the introduction of POS system which can sort a "good selling items" and "bad selling items" by single item management efficient physical distribution system and the new product development system.
The initial stage in 1970s was a period for the convenience store as being recognized socially. At the time it was considered as providing service in time zones other than a general retail store opening hours socially and the phrase of “good for it to be open” was flowing through in TV. They only had niche responsibility. Then social responsibility has been also increasing with the increase in number of stores and it permeated in society widely. The convenience store has become a "near and convenient existence with supply responsibility” today. The chain of convenience stores increased the number by introducing a Franchise Chain (FC) contract. There was also a problem resulting from the defect of FC contract in the extension of a chain of convenience stores.
It may become an existence "being troubled if there is no convenience store" in late of 2010s when its sales is expected to expand to 16 trillion yen. In such a stage the industry concerns to take a step more forward and become a social life partner in each community. A chain of convenience stores composes a part of a social infrastructure and is becoming something charged with existence responsibility itself today.
Keywords: コンビニエンスストア , POSシステム , 単品管理 , 物流の効率化 , フランチャイズチェーン契約 , 隙間責任 , 供給責任 , 存在責任 ,
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